Sunday, July 26, 2015

We are on Day 11 of her second month of Chemotherapy.  Simone is doing awesome.  Seems to be doing better this time than last month.  All of the prayers are felt by our family and we feel blessed that she is doing so well. 
Simone's hair hasn't fallen out yet.  Cross our fingers that it doesn't, she loves her hair. 
This past week we spent in Montana with family.  It was so fun!  We were nervous to go with Simone but she had so much fun with her cousins.  It was worth the worry. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6, 2015

Today is day 19 of her first treatments.  She has been doing really well.  Just a little more tired than usual.      She hasn't really complained about anything except for a stomach or an occasional headache.  
She is one tough cookie! 

June 27, 2015

Natalie and Jimmy had an awesome party for Simone.  She loved every minute of it.  Most of the family was there and we were so grateful that they took time to come and support Simone.             Our family is MARVELOUS.    It was amazing!