On Tuesday, Oct 6, around 11am Simone had her port placed. It was nerve racking for us. She was very nervous too. She hasn't questioned any of this. Maybe just seems normal to her to have to do all of this. When she got out of surgery she was still very groggy but manage to tell the nurses it was her birthday the next day and asked if they were going to sing to her,. They did and it was so awesome!
Later that day, around 6pm, she had her first round of chemotherapy in the port. It takes about 1 hr for it to go in from the drip. It doesn't hurt at all when it goes in. Also, we had a nurse, Emily, from our old ward in West Jordan helping us. It was comforting to have someone we know be there. She was a great help to us. After Simone had her chemo her anesthesiologist came in to check on how she was doing. She was doing very well and she also told him that it was her birthday the next day and asked him to sing also. He and the nurse and Matt and I also sang too. She loved it! It was Awesomely funny!
Tom and Amber also came to visit. She was happy to see them. It was fun to have them there.
We stayed over night into Wednesday to make sure everything was fine. In the morning the nurses and her oncologist came in and surprised her with a song and a bunch of cute gifts. She was so happy! We went home about 11am.
Early Thursday morning Simone came in our bedroom and was throwing up. She had a temperature of 103. I had to take her back to the hospital about 230 in the morning. They drew some blood. Her blood count looked good. They said it was something probably viral or just recovering from surgery. I am glad everything was ok. We didn't want to spend more time in the hospital than we had to. So they sent us home about 6am.
This week has been crazy and stressful. I hope Simone does well on this Chemotherapy as she did on her other chemo. We will see.
I love seeing these pictures, Jana! Thank you for posting them! I am so bummed we couldn't be there. Do you think there will be another time in the future Simone can/will want to have visitors? I know the chemo treatment has been rough on her, so no pressure at all. If you or Matt or the kids or Simone needs a visitor (with a bunch of kids), let me know! I'm even willing to come late notice, as long as our kids are all feeling well of course! (Last time, for her surprise birthday party, both Jesse and I had recently been traveling and worn out from it.) Love you all!