Simone did well with this chemo. Just a little tired.
This same week on Thursday she saw her ear doctor and sure enough her tubes were all blocked up. So here we go again another ear surgery.
Oct 27, Simone had her ear surgery and also had her adenoids removed to help with her snoring.
She bounced back really quick. She was feeling good. So we decided to go to St. George for Halloween. The kids had so much fun. While we were in St. George we noticed Simone's hair is starting to fall out. She is sad about it but I think she will still be her fun self.

This Monday, Nov 2, she went in for another round of Chemo. This time she received both chemo medicines. She did fine. The nurses gave her a real stethoscope and blood pressure cuff and pump to play with. She wanted to take them home so badly. I told her she couldn't but she kept begging so I said ask the nurse. They told her other kids want to play with them too so she couldn't.
This picture is her pouting about it. It is too silly!
In the morning, on Tuesday, around 230 she came in really sick. I had to give her some nausea medicine. She fell back asleep but when she woke up in the morning she was super sick. She was throwing up and couldn't keep anything down. She was running a fever. So back we go to the Dr.
They had to access her port again to do some blood work to make sure she didn't have an infection or anything else was wrong. They also hydrated her and gave her some nausea medicine. She felt better so they let us go home after being there about 4hrs. We are getting so good at waiting.
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